Xiangling Childe Support Build. You can go atk or em or er and pyro/crit for main stats. 2020/11/23 im trying to figure out how to best build beidou to support childe with her elemental burst.
Zhongli Genshin Builds from www.genshinbuilds.info
Add this with the fact that her burst (q) can snapshot and. Zhongli is using the favonius lance, and its kind of a must on him. You can swap between these weapons and artifacts base on type of damage you want.
Childe (Tartaglia) Hydro Enabler Build This Build Maximizes The Damage Output Of Tartaglias Elemental Skill And Burst.
Genshin impact xiangling dps and support build guide. Childe + beidou support build. You can swap between these weapons and artifacts base on type of damage you want.
Childe's Role Specifically Is A Technical Enabler Meaning That He Relies On Team Synergy To Output The Highest Dps Potential.
Em is nice since all her hits vaporize but itsnot as important. 2020/11/23 im trying to figure out how to best build beidou to support childe with her elemental burst. A = ascension (a1 = lvl 20+, a4 = lvl 60+) em:
This Build Focuses On Enhance Xiangling Pyro Dmg And Reduce Skill Time.
Zhongli is using the favonius lance, and its kind of a must on him. What makes barbara a fantastic healer is her elemental skill and burst. Add this with the fact that her burst (q) can snapshot and.
You Want To Run Energy Recharge Sands With An Atk Weapon, And Atk Sands With An Energy Recharge Weapon.
These team comps have the highest damage ceilings out of all the childe comps. This build focuses on strengthening xianglings burst and skill. Barbara is a great healer for most teams, and if you have her, shes a good choice for your childe team too.
You Can Go Atk Or Em Or Er And Pyro/Crit For Main Stats.
Xiangling is one of the strongest and most flexible sub dps characters in the game. How do i get it d: If xiangling is on the next banner, ill probably get her to c6, and it might be worth adding a support build for her.
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